These are some of the books I have written. All are rough drafts, so don't expect to be reading any polished works here yet.

Moving Past Heartbreak
Break-ups happen, and they suck.
After six years - five dancing around the topic and one actually dating - my boyfriend breaks it off with me. There's no emotion, no explanation, and no closure. He's in the middle of his missionary program, too, so I legit can't drive over and demand to know why.
The closest I can do is go on a road trip to find ingredients for a ritual, for which I found the instructions, to heal my heartbreak and move on. It'll take 2 weeks to go to Alexandria, Savannah, and then finally in Santa Monica, where I make the potion and perform the ritual under the new moon. I'm not sure if it'll work completely, but fingers crossed, it'll stop me from always thinking about my ex.
Coincidentally, I pick up a cute hitchhiker - a church girl who goes by Nevie, amps her churchsona on Sundays, and acts like her serious self for the rest of the week. We're getting along like a house on fire, just until I drop off at her destination in Sacramento. It's a great idea in the beginning, but the more time I spend with Nevie, the less I'm okay about the plan.
(lowkey im probably attracted to her but i dont wanna face it so shh)
My name's Meredith Sourd, and I'm spending 2 weeks getting myself out of this rabbit hole.

No Time Like Now
Niamh (pronounced as 'Neev') Kirton is pretty dark, especially with her future. Parents are controlling. Friends are pushy. Teachers are, well, teachers. And the school counselor, misunderstanding Niamh's rant for "running away to England so she could get away from everything", is doing his best to find the colleges there that he thinks would be in her best interest.
What would be in her best interest? Niamh's pretty sure it's being left the fuck alone and doing things her way. On the other hand, maybe the local fake ID professional knows...

Before Jules interrupted Callie's lunch hour with a (not so subtle) "Dibs!", Callie was a quiet girl whose only priorities are good grades and better talent with playing her prized violin. Neither require having a girlfriend, especially the one who everyone at school assumes is a hard-core drug addict, judging from how she acts.
Now Callie has to deal with "Junkie Jules" in public's eye instead of fading into the background, not to mention the scandalous rumors about her and Jules. And the disastrous icing to the dangerous cake? Jules will do anything to make Callie hers.

Girl Master of Disguises
Buggy Gills isn't who anyone thinks she is. Some say she's a snotty popular girl. Others say she's a geek who spends her time playing video games. Some say she's a blonde, others say wavy black-haired. Some have seen her as a kind nurse, and the rest comment her as an off-duty conductor at the train station.
Who is Buggy, really? She's a chameleon, a 'mistress of disguises' as people on the news call her (although 'girl master' suits her better). And she's an anti-hero. Buggy does her own thing that just happens to save people's lives. Now that a well-known celebrity is kidnapped, Buggy has to find him before it's too late. The problem with that is, who's that girl Buggy's always seeing throughout her mission?