
If Leveque was going to keep doing her quotidian routine over and over again for who-knows-how-long, she would go insane. This was not how she wanted to live her new life as a vampire.
She wanted to do something outside of waking up at nine at night, warm her blood up at exactly 98.6 degrees for ‘breakfast’, scroll through any nighttime blogs and sites while she sips her blood, and go back to her comfy bed when dawn breaks through. She wanted to go outside and be around people – humans whose blood she’d have to resist drinking if she wanted to keep her secret hidden. She wanted to do something unusual.
Leveque stumbled downstairs to her kitchen, still in her cupcake jammies and combing her curly brown hair with her fingers. She rummaged through her fridge and took a B positive bag from the door. Holding the bag in her hand, Leveque caught herself wondering how her routine would change if she went to a blood bank and stole the bags instead of buying them from a licensed blood-seller. It most likely wouldn’t have changed much, but it’d be different.
Maybe there’s something in the pantry I can use for breakfast, she thought. The pantry hadn’t been used in the last four months, around the time she was Turned as the result of a bad date. Right now, Leveque would take a bad date over her routine hands-down.
The pantry didn’t hold much of a promise of something new. Hell, the only thing she had that didn’t expire was the pancake mix. And the syrup to go with it. Leveque grabbed them both, unsure if she could digest them but willing to find out.
The next thing she thought of was the blender sitting by the fridge. Taking the lid off, Leveque hesitantly poured the blood in the container, followed by some pancake powder and a lot of syrup. After putting the lid back on, she pressed a button. The loud noise, while it wouldn’t have bothered a human, rang through her newly-adjusted ears. Leveque had to stop the blender to give the ears a rest before starting up again. It took four times for her to be satisfied with how the mixture looked.
She got a glass out of the cupboard and slowly poured the contents in. Instead of seeing a rich red, she was now seeing a pinkish brown liquid, if that made any sense. Leveque sniffed it; other than rust, it didn’t smell too bad.
What the hell. Leveque shrugged to herself before taking a big mouthful.
If there was anything that would make her taste buds explode, the breakfast would be it. Images of her mom making pancakes from when Leveque was between the ages of five and fifteen ran through her mind. She had forgotten how much she loved them. She had forgotten how long it’d been since she had any of them.
It didn’t take long for her glass to be empty. Leveque stared at it again, this time with wonder. What did I just experience? she asked herself. Certainly not something quotidian.
She cleaned the glass in the sink and put it in the drying rack next to it. Had anyone thought of mixing the blood with something else? Leveque knew the answer was no. Or at least, no one who talked about it on the Internet.
She went back up to her room, where her laptop was on a desk next to the tightly-covered windows (to assure that it wouldn’t accidentally seep sunlight into the room while she was sleeping). Leveque picked up the laptop and opened to one of the major sites created by vampires for vampires. On this particular site had a big chatroom she was almost always on, talking to good people or pointing out flaws from a troll post. She wasn’t on there for either right now.
With fast fingers, Leveque wrote something long and bland, stopped to read it over, and promptly deleted it. She took several minutes to think of something that’ll catch someone’s eye.
Short and sweet ought to do it.
She tried writing her discovery again. This time, Leveque was satisfied. One click, and her post was online for everyone to see. She brought her knees to her chest and watched as one, two, seven people had read her post.
Tired of drinking the same kind of blood over and over again? I know I am. And you won’t believe what I just did…
Someone challenged me to write a short scene with the word "quotidian". This is the result